Are you a good sleeper🌛
Do you struggle at night with body temperature, waking up and not being able to go back to sleep? Well, a couple of possible reasons might be that you're not wearing the right nightwear😉.

No need to worry. Catarina Dahlin is co-founder at Dagsmejan, a sustainable and cool Swiss brand that revamps fashion for the night. And she calls her journey as an entrepreneur a wild one, with a big smile on her face. Read more about this inspirational entrepreneur in our member profile. And yes, a little surprise is waiting for you to prove this exquisite fabric and sleeping wonder to you😉.

Who is Catarina Dahlin?
Born in Sweden I have lived in 7 countries across Europe and Asia. 8 years ago, I came to Switzerland and I’m now in love with the nature and the quality of living here. 5 years ago, I co-founded my business Dagsmejan— sleepwear reinvented. It was our mission to improve on our sleep quality and comfort with what is closest to our skin for a third of our lives, our pyjama. Combining the finest natural fibres with the latest sleep technology to make sleepwear scientifically proven to help you sleep better.

Who or what has strongly influenced your professional career?
I never had this one dream job or a 10-year plan, on the contrary I always have believed that there are many different areas that I could be passionate about. I always try to keep my mind open to spot new opportunities and to not be afraid to leave my comfort zone. It’s when you make mistakes that you learn and grow. That’s what has taken me professionally from consumer goods to the service sector to launching my own business in textiles, an industry I had no direct experience with. Dare to dream, work hard and never give up. Then you can move mountains!

Why are you a member of bwomen?
I love to be inspired by other entrepreneurs and women of all careers. Hearing about successes but also about how they have overcome hardships, every day is a new opportunity to learn and there is something to learn from every person you meet. Also, I hope to get know other members — to share a laugh, a tale of failure and to raise a glass.

On which topics can other members contact you and where?
Any member is very welcome to contact me on my email on any topic really. Business areas that I’m more familiar with are entrepreneurship, direct to consumer business and anything digital.

Meet Catharina Dahlin